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Since most invasive plants are present in Florida due to their uses as ornamental plants, removing them from yards and gardens will leave holes and take away key aspects of some gardens. However, there are plenty of beautiful native species that can easily be used to replace invasive ones. These include the American Beautyberry, Black-eyed Susans, Carolina Jessamine, Marsh Hibiscus, and Buttonwood. These are some beautiful native species that can add some great color and diversity to any yards. Using these plants will help to prevent invasive species from taking over the ecosystem and prevent new species being introduced that can contribute to the problem.

American Beautyberry

  • Callicarpa Americana

This is a small bush that creates vibrant purple berries. While the berries are edible, it is typically not recommended to eat in large amounts. However, they are often used in making wine and jams. This is a great alternative to many invasive bushes that may be present in yards.

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Photo by: Elizabeth Fogel

Black-eyed Susan

  • Rudbeckia Hirta

This is a very popular flower that is grown all across the country. They are most commonly a bright yellow but there are varieties of red, orange, and brown. They are easy to take care of and work well in gardens to add some color. They can also be grown indoors as well.

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Carolina Jessamine

  • Gelsemium Sempervirens

This is a vine that grows easily on top of structures including fences and trellises. Like the Black-eyed Susan, these produce a bright yellow flower. These flowers, however, form in tighter clusters with cups instead of spread-out petals. These are a great alternative to any invasive vine species such as Old-World Climbing Fern and Kudzu.

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Photo by: Karen Cominsky

Marsh Hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Grandiflora

This bush creates incredible flowers that include colors such as white, pink, purple, and red. These plants prefer wetter conditions and grow to about 6 feet tall. These work very well to add additional colors to a garden while also being useful for attracting hummingbirds.

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Photo by: Gemma Johnstone


  • Conocarpus Erectus

This tree can grow over 60 feet tall and is a great alternative to many invasive trees. It also grows quickly so it can be used to replace many invasive trees very quickly. It can also be cut regularly to keep it as a bush. There is also a variety of types including plains and narrowleaf.

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Photo by: Mary Abbot

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Photo by: Henry Smith

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Photo by: Joseph Bal

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Photo by: Mary Anne Borge

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